Mindstone’s Substack
Ask Why
Breaking Down Barriers: A More Interdisciplinary Education System with Ed Fidoe

Breaking Down Barriers: A More Interdisciplinary Education System with Ed Fidoe

Ed Fidoe is the Chief Executive of the London Interdisciplinary School (LIS), and is leading the charge for education innovation, determined to equip students with the knowledge they need to tackle global challenges and complex problems. Ed is exploring the future of education, and how AI can help with adaptive learning and meeting people where they are. An inspiring story of ambition and drive, Ed's work is sure to revolutionize education as we know it.

Mindstone’s Substack
Ask Why
Let your curiosity run free as we as we seek out answers to life’s most important question: BUT WHY? Come aboard as we challenge the status quo and explore the future of learning with thought leaders from across the globe. Explore the creative ways we engage and learn from the world around us, and look groundbreaking ideas that are shaping our future.